Send a $20.00 check with your completed membership form to Fairbanks Watercolor Society, PO Box 82536, Fairbanks, AK, 99708. Your membership will be good for a year. Membership forms can be obtained at a meeting or printed from this website.
No Experience Required!
The only criteria for membership is an interest in watercolor and water media! Members of all skill levels are welcome to come, listen, learn, socialize, and appreciate art in general and watercolor in particular.
Benefits of membership in the Fairbanks Watercolor Society include:
• Monthly Newsletters, Monthly Meeting (Reminder) of First Friday Shows and locations
The monthly newsletter, published throughout the year, includes information on workshops, opportunities to enter shows, contact information of members, details of upcoming programs, events, demos, recognition of members' accomplishments, art tips, items for sale, and more. The newsletter is sent via e-mail and posted on the website.
Monthly Educational Meetings
Meetings are scheduled for the third Wednesday of every month. Watch for the monthly newsletter for the most current information. Our meetings start with a short social time from 6:30 - 7:00 pm before the official meeting starts and usually include some great refreshments from members. Then any business or upcoming events are announced. Most meetings include an educational component: a guest speaker, demo, or lesson relating to painting, new materials, marketing, photographing artwork, the business of art, etc...
The meetings usually last 2 hours, with location TBA in the newsletter and Facebook. This information is posted in the newsletter.
Paint Outs
Paint outs are held throughout the year, locations and times vary from month to month, and are announced in the newsletters, at the meetings, and on the website:
- June meeting day, the Society’s annual solstice picnic. Location TBA
and posted on the website.
- Early June is the annual Design Alaska Wild Art Walk at Creamer’s
Field. Date and time TBA
- August is at the Georgeson Botanical Garden on the UAF campus.
Date and time TBA
- August is the Sandhill Crane Festival at Creamer’s Field and the date
and time TBA
- Early September is the Autumn Paint out (formerly Labor Day Paint out).
Dates, time, and location are TBA.
Painting Workshops
One or more workshops are offered each year, with accomplished local, regional, and national instructors. These special events, which are open to the public, are advertised first to members. This is an important benefit as workshops have a limited enrollment. Workshops are usually open to all skill levels--beginner to advanced.
Entrance into the Annual FWS Show
Members are invited to enter the FWS annual membership show held each year. Held in Spring at a local gallery. All information on the annual show is posted on the website and in the newsletter.
Opportunities for Exhibiting and Marketing Art
Members can sign up for exhibiting and selling their artwork at several locations during the year, some include:
• Fairbanks Arts Association -Bear Gallery
• Fairbanks Community Museum (Upstairs in the Co-Op Plaza)
• Design Alaska Art Walk (June) -Creamer's Field
• Annual FWS Members Show (held in the spring)
• Hoarfrost Distillery
•Charisma's Gallery, Art Center