Fairbanks Watercolor Society Meetings: Our monthly programs have guest speakers, instructors, and facilitators sharing their knowledge and insights with the members. Watch the newsletter for the current meeting’s program and what classes/instruction is available.
See the following links for current dates, times, classes, and instructors:
• Annual Fairbanks Watercolor Society Workshop (Spring or Fall) www.fairbankswatercolor.com
• Fairbanks Summer Arts Festival (late Jul) www.fsaf.org
• Fairbanks Arts Association (throughout the year) fairbanksarts.org
• Osher Lifelong Learning Institute OLLI (ongoing) www.uaf.edu/olli
• UAF Summer Sessions (summer) www.uaf.edu/summer
See the following links for Fairbanks Watercolor Society members who offer classes, and instruction:
• Jill Marshall Watercolor Classes (ongoing) www.marshallartsdesign.com
•Tom Nixon Watercolor Classes (ongoing) contact at 907-456-3329 or tomandneldanixon@gmail.com or friend him on Facebook
• Vladimir Zhikhartsev (ongoing) https://www.vladimirzhikhartsev.com